• Adds version of ANSI libraries that support a console.
Here's what you must do to convert an existing project that uses Apple's version of the ANSI libraries:
1. Remove toolbox initialization from your main program. The library performs the initializations needed. Remove the declaration of QDglobals qd. This is now done by our library.
2. Remove the following libraries:
PPC CPlusLib.o
3. Add the following libraries from the Standard Libraries folder:
4. Go to the Compiler Settings options for PowerPC C++ and uncheck "Map carriage returns".
5. Remove Objects (the CDK does not know when its libraries have been changed).
6. Bring Up To Date.
7. Build PowerPC App.
To create a new project with ANSI libraries, use the new "PowerPC ANSI Project" project model.
We discovered a conflict between the ANSI libraries and the Apple debugger. The
symptom is a delay between user events such as keystrokes and mouse movement
and a response from the library. Going to the Debugger Nub Controls under Control
Panels and unchecking Active will correct it.
• Adds an IOStreams library.
Rebuilding the libraries
The sources to the PowerPC libraries are in C, so you need a C compiler to rebuild
them. We were unable to provide a PowerPC C translator in the online version of the
7.0.4 patch. We will send a diskette containing the PowerPC C translator and the
library sources, in addition to the contents of the online update, to any registered
CDK owner who requests it. Send email, stating that you would like the CDK 7.0.4
diskette, along with your name and address to one of the following addresses:
powermac@bedford.symantec.com (internet)
The diskette also contains prerelease versions of native C and C++ translators that